Batch integration Article brand safety retrieval

Article brand safety retrieval

When an article page is built in the publisher CMS backend, the results can be made available on page by either:

  • Calling the publisher Mantis API endpoint with a GET request passing one of the following in a query parameter
    • Publisher’s CMS article id (recommended)
    • Public page URL
  • Retrieving the locally stored ratings data, downloaded from the batch or HTTP API endpoints

When calling the Mantis API endpoint, Brand Safety ratings will be retrieved from the Mantis data store and returned in the response body as JSON data. If the requested article has not yet been processed by Mantis, then the JSON response will indicate that the article ratings are not yet available.

For a backend integration, we would suggest adding a static script tag to the page which includes the ratings retrieved from the Mantis api as a global object on the page:

  window.mantis = {ratings object from Mantis};

Publishers can, of course, customise to their own requirement and directly include the ratings data in any code delivered from their CMS backend.

If defined as in the above example, the ratings data from the global ‘mantis’ object can also be read in any frontend script integrations (e.g in Ad tags, where we recommend passing in a list of ratings values as a ‘mantis’ key/value pair in page level targeting).