Neptune Recommender Neptune Recommender FAQ

Neptune Recommender FAQ


  • What is Neptune Recommender?
    Neptune Recommender is a TAG-verified, AI-powered, on-page widget
    Showcasing relevant and recent articles to maximise traffic and impressions in a completely cookie-free and customisable manner
  • Are there any minimum traffic requirements?
    30m page views per month
  • Can I input ads to the widget?
    Yes – contact your Mantis representative to organise integration
  • How does Neptune Recommender choose what to recommend?
    Neptune Recommender leverages IBM Watson’s Natural Language Understanding to comprehensively scan thousands of articles and millions of characters tagging them with multiple variables (categories, concepts, entities, sentiment etc) and scores.
    Linking these variables together allow us to surface the most relevant and/or recent recommendations possible, all before a page loads.
  • How effective is Neptune Recommender at driving traffic within site?
    We’ve seen significant uplifts of around 2-5%, focussed entirely on driving self-referral within your eco-system
  • How does Neptune Recommender work with Mantis Brand Safety?
    The recommender is based only on the contextual part of Mantis to maximise the most relevant content.
    However, if you are signed up to Mantis Brand Safety all of your sites would already be scanned for brand safety and the recommender will load only the most relevant suggestions to that article.
  • Can Mantis Scan multiple languages?
    Yes – in its current version Mantis can scan in English, French, German, Italian, Arabic, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Dutch, Japanese and Brazilian Portuguese.
  • Will a Neptune Recommender widget slow down site speed?
    No, while final performance will vary based on your website, the widget is extremely performant.


Getting started


  • How do I get started with Neptune Recommender for Publishers?
    Reach out to your Mantis representative to arrange an introductory meeting then moving on to discuss your formatting requirements and website architecture.
  • How do I upload articles to be classified?
    Articles can be classified using either a push to our API or via batch upload, details on the mantis-intelligence docs site.
  • Do Neptune Recommender widgets work on AMP Pages?
  • Can I control what shows up on my widget?
    In order for Neptune Recommender to maximise the use of it’s powerful recommendation engine we suggest letting it run as freely as possible.
    We do however have controls in place allowing us to exclude certain articles or titles and filter by recency
  • What customizations can be made after registering?
    Neptune Recommender has been built to allow for complete customization.
    We can either surface our complete standard widget, adjust for colour and branding or surface the raw API to allow for you to build whatever front-end you require.
  • Will I have a Neptune Recommender account contact?
  • Are there any widget best practices?
    We find that Neptune Recommender works best when positioned above the 3rd from last paragraph, ensuring that a consumer has read through the source page before navigating elsewhere.


Performance tracking

  • How do we track Neptune Recommender CTRs?
    Using a joint Google Analytics account we will track CTRs and page views
  • Where can I see my performance & reporting?
    a joint Google Analytics will be set up upon live-date


Editorials And Control


  • Is Neptune Recommender SSL compliant?
  • What if I see content that I don’t like serving in the widget?
    Contact your Mantis representative and we can block the URL or cms id that you would like to occlude.
  • Can I get a break-down of what categories inform my recommendation eg. This is the top recommendation because of ‘x’ category, ‘y’ entity and ‘z’ concept?
    Neptune Recommender uses elastic search to isolate the most relevant articles to reference, this uses a combination of all available categories, entities and concepts and individual element contributions cannot be distilled from the result.